Your wedding planning is very important to us, please hold...

Erm, so it turns out life can be put on hold. There are thousands of couples across the country who are completely at the mercy of the Coronavirus, having their wedding days postponed and all their hard work put on hold. Couples who would have been building towards their big day, anticipating, planning and getting all their final details in place are now finding that things are not certain and set in stone. My heart goes out to those couples, it's not much fun for them. If you're not in this boat, count yourself lucky. But if you're planning a wedding, consider these tips below on what you can do now whilst in lock down.

If you're planning a wedding for later this year or next, consider these things you can do now:

  • Plan. Start compiling a list of different companies and people who you like. Get that Monica folder out and start filling it.
  • Make virtual tours of the venues you like. Read reviews and stalk them on Google.
  • Start contacting all the different people you need for your day. Check availability, Skype, Zoom and call people - there is no need to hold off as there will be a mad scramble once restrictions are lifted.
  • Ask questions. What if there is another pandemic, what can be done if you need to postpone?
  • Pay deposits or make instalments. Being self employed isn't much fun at the moment, so if you have some spare wedding funds, consider making those payments early or placing a booking and paying the deposit.
  • If funds are low at the moment, as a lot of people are struggling, some businesses will accept a lower deposit - just ask what options are available.
  • Go for a walk. Don't forget your one daily exercise!

Things you can't do:

  • Meet a photographer face to face. As much as I love coffee, all my favourite coffee shops are now closed and government guidelines are very clear. However, I'm happy to meet via Skype, Zoom or other video chats, or a simple phone call! Once restrictions are lifted I will be first in line at Costa and would be happy to meet you!

Above all, stay safe and look after each other!